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Quick cryptocurrency
in a couple of taps

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Welcome to Cryptolink — a secure and reliable cryptocurrency wallet for storing your cryptocurrencies.

Our app is designed with high security and ease of use in mind. And we're constantly working on improving it to give you even more features.
The app is available for download on iOS and Android, and we guarantee that all transactions are fast and reliable. Join millions of people who trust their savings to the fast-growing crypto market.

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Data security is ensured by using the SEED phrase, which is generated according to the BIP39 standard and is known only to you. This standard contains a dictionary of 2048 words. The 12-word variation allows you to create a mnemonic phrase that cannot be computed by brute force, even using the greatest power available in the world today.

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Our application allows you to both create a new wallet and import an existing one, as well as send and receive cryptocurrencies in ETH and BNB networks.

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Send and receive cryptocurrencies in few taps - with wallet ID or QR-code on your smartphone screen.

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View your transaction history, control your income and expenses, be aware of all your transactions. With Cryptolink you can be sure that your digital assets are protected from any threats.

Available for iOS
and Android

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